Join Us

*Before contacting Shahar, please watch the following video (given in Hebrew) which will provide you with useful guidelines and tips while considering your future research subject and academic advisor.


We always look for excellent post-doc researchers to join our group.

If you are interested in joining our group, hold a Ph.D. in EE/CE/CS with relevant background, with a high level of written and spoken English, self-motivated, independent and creative, you are welcome to apply.

To apply contact Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky with a cover letter explaining your research interests and experience, CV, and 2-3 reference letters.

Students (from the Technion)

Our group members are students at all levels (Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc.). The best way to start working in our group is to perform a research project in your undergraduate studies (regular B.Sc. project as listed here, a research project for undergrads either as part of EMET program, or part of an individual “special” project), or as part of Shahar’s course (course number 046265). In rare cases, it is possible to start an independent project when you start your graduate studies.

For more details about undergraduate projects contact Ilan. For more details about excellent students project and Master/ Ph.D. studies, contact Shahar.
In your mail, please indicate your status (degree, the current phase of your studies), topics you are interested in, relevant courses you took, and your transcript.


Students (outside of the Technion – National)

If you want to do a Master or Ph.D. at the Technion in our group and you graduated from a different university, contact Shahar directly. In addition, check with the graduate secretary in the EE department how to apply and what are your chances of acceptance.

When you contact Shahar, please provide some background about yourself, including topics you are interested in, relevant courses you took, and your transcript. 2-3 reference letters are also required, a cover letter explaining your research interests and experience, and your CV.


Students (outside of the Technion – International)

We occasionally have visiting students who come for an internship in our group. This is the best way to get to know us and to increase your chances to join our group. Such an internship is similar to the undergraduate research project we offer and is a great basis for graduate-level research.

Note that our department’s policy is that international students must have an advisor before they can be accepted to our graduate program.

To apply contact Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky with a cover letter explaining your research interests and experience, your transcript, CV, and 2-3 reference letters.