Publications All Publications

Book Chapters

A. Eliahu, R. Ben-Hur, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "A Technology Backward-Compatible Compilation Flow for Processing-in-Memory", VLSI-SoC: Open Source VLSI Technologies, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, A. Calimera, P.-E. Gaillardon, K. Korganokar, S. Kvatinsky, R. Reis, (Eds.), Chapter 16, pp. 343-361, Springer, 2021. Paper for A Technology Backward-Compatible Compilation Flow for Processing-in-Memory
A. Eliahu, R. Ben-Hur, A. Haj-Ali, and S. Kvatinsky, "mMPU: Building a Memristor-Based General-Purpose In-Memory Computation Architecture", Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 1 Architectures, L. Andrade and F. Rousseau (Ed.), Chapter 6, pp. 119-132 March 2021. Paper for mMPU: Building a Memristor-Based General-Purpose In-Memory Computation Architecture
J. Vieira, E. Giacomin, Y. Qureshi, M. Zapater, X. Tang, S. Kvatinsky, D. Atienza, and P.-E. Gaillardon, "Accelerating Inference on Binary Neural Networks with Digital RRAM Processing", VLSI-SoC: New Technology Enabler, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, C. Metzler, P.-E. Gaillardon, G. De Micheli, C. Silva-Cardenas, R. Reis, (Eds.), Springer, Chapter 12 , pp. 257-278, 2020.
L. Danial, R. Dhamnani, P.Agrawal, P. Damahe, and S. Kvatinsky, "Neuromorphic Data Converter with Memristors", Emerging Computing: From Devices to Systems, M. M. Sabry and A. Chattopadhyay (Ed.), Springer (in press).
S. Kvatinsky, "Real Processing-in-Memory with Memristive Memory Processing Unit", Vol. 11947, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (in press).
A. Haj Ali, R. Ronen, R. Ben-Hur, N. Wald, and S. Kvatinsky, "Memristor-Based Processing-in-Memory and its Application on Image Processing", Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing, Elsevier, 2020.
N. Talati, R. Ben-Hur, N. Wald, A. Haj Ali, J. Reuben, and S. Kvatinsky, "mMPU – A Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture to Combat the von Neumann Bottleneck", Applications of Emerging Memory Technology, The Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, M. Suri (Ed.), Springer, Chapter 8, pp. 191-213, 2020. Paper for mMPU – A Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture to Combat the von Neumann Bottleneck
J. Reuben, R. Ben Hur, N. Wald, N. Talati, A. Haj Ali, P.-E. Gaillardon, and S. Kvatinsky, "A Taxonomy and Evaluation Framework for Memristive Logic", Handbook of Memristor Networks, L. O. Chua, G. Sirakoulis, A. Adamatzky (Eds.), pp. 1065-1099 Springer 2019 Paper for A Taxonomy and Evaluation Framework for Memristive Logic
N. Wald, E. Amrany, A. Drory, and S. Kvatinsky, "Logic with Unipolar Memristors: Circuits and Design Methodology", VLSI-SoC: System-on-Chip in the Nanoscale Era – Design, Verification and Reliability, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, T. Hollstein, J. Raik, S. Kostin, A. Tšertov, I. O'Connor, R. Reis (Eds.), Springer, Vol. 508, Chapter 2, pp. 24-40, 2017. Paper for Logic with Unipolar Memristors: Circuits and Design Methodology


N. Wainstein, A. Orren, R-G. Nir-Harwood, E. Yalon, and S. Kvatinsky, "Asymmetric and Symmetric Single-Pole Double-Throw With Improved Power Handling Using Indirectly Heated Phase-Change Switches", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, November 2024. Paper for Asymmetric and Symmetric Single-Pole Double-Throw With Improved Power Handling Using Indirectly Heated Phase-Change Switches
A. Mehonic, D. Ielmini, K. Roy, O. Mutlu, S. Kvatinsky, B. Linares-Barranco, S. Spiga, S. Savel'ev , A. G. Balanov, N. Chawla, G. Desol, G. Malavena, C. M. Compagnoni, Z. Wang, J. Yang, G. S. Syed, A. Sebastian, T. Mikolajick, B. Noheda, S. Slesazeck, B. Dieny, T.-H. Hou, A. Varri, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, W. Pernice, X. Zhang, S. Pazos, M. Lanza, S. Wiefels, R. Ditmann, W. H. Ng, M. Buckwell, H. RJ Cox, D. J. Mannion, A. J. Kenyon, Y. Lu, Y. Yang, D. Querlioz, L. Hutin, E. Vianello, S. Shafayet Chowdhury, P. Mannocci, Y. Cai, Z. Sun, G. Pedretti, J. P. Strachan, D. Strukov, M. Le Gallo, S. Ambrogio, I. Valov, and R. Waser, "Roadmap of Materials Challenges for Neuromorphic Computing", APL Materials, Vol. 12, No. 109201, October 2024. Paper for Roadmap of Materials Challenges for Neuromorphic Computing
M. Zou, Z. Zhu, T. Greenberg-Toledo, O. Leitersdorf, J. Li, J. Zhou, Y. Wang, N. Du, and S. Kvatinsky, "TDPP: Two-Dimensional Permutation-Based Protection of Memristive Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 43, No.3, pp. 742-755, March 2024. Paper for TDPP: Two-Dimensional Permutation-Based Protection of Memristive Deep Neural NetworksSupplementary for TDPP: Two-Dimensional Permutation-Based Protection of Memristive Deep Neural Networks
H. Padberg, A. Regev, G. Piccolboni, A. Bricalli, G. Molas, J. F. Nodin, and S. Kvatinsky, "Experimental Demonstration of Non-Stateful In-Memory Logic with 1T1R SiOx Valence Change Mechanism Memristors", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 395-399, January 2024. Paper for Experimental Demonstration of Non-Stateful In-Memory Logic with 1T1R SiOx Valence Change Mechanism Memristors
Z. Sun, S. Kvatinsky, X. Si, A. Mehonic, Y. Cai. and R. Huang , "A full spectrum of computing-in-memory technologies", Nature Electronics, November 2023. Paper for A full spectrum of computing-in-memory technologies
B. Perach, R. Ronen, B. Kimelfeld, and S. Kvatinsky, "Understanding Bulk-Bitwise Processing In-Memory Through Database Analytics", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, September 2023. Paper for Understanding Bulk-Bitwise Processing In-Memory Through Database Analytics
O. Leitersdorf, Y. Boneh, G. Gazit, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "FourierPIM: High-throughput in-memory Fast Fourier Transform and polynomial multiplication", Memories - Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems, Volume 4, July 2023. Paper for FourierPIM: High-throughput in-memory Fast Fourier Transform and polynomial multiplication
M. Khalifa, B. Hoffer, O. Leitersdorf, R. Hanhan, L. Yavits, and S. Kvatinsky, "ClaPIM: Scalable Sequence CLAssification using Processing-In-Memory", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, July 2023 (in press). Paper for ClaPIM: Scalable Sequence CLAssification using Processing-In-Memory
O. Leitersdorf, D. Leitersdorf, J. Gal, M. Dahan, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "AritPIM: High-Throughput In-Memory Arithmetic", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), April 2023. Paper for AritPIM: High-Throughput In-Memory Arithmetic
M. A. Hadish, S. Kvatinsky, and A. Gero, "Learning and Instruction that Combine Multiple Levels of Abstraction in Engineering: Attitudes of Students and Faculty", International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 154–162, 2023 Paper for Learning and Instruction that Combine Multiple Levels of Abstraction in Engineering: Attitudes of Students and Faculty
W. Wang, L. Danial, Y. Li, E. Herbelin, E. Pikhay, Y. Roizin, B. Hoffer, Z. Wang, and S. Kvatinsky, "A memristive deep belief neural network based on silicon synapses", Nature Electronics, December 2022. Paper for A memristive deep belief neural network based on silicon synapses
M. Zou, N. Du, and S. Kvatinsky, "Review of Security Techniques for Memristor Computing Systems", Frontiers in Electronic Materials, December 2022. Paper for Review of Security Techniques for Memristor Computing Systems
B. Hoffer, N. Wainstein, C. M. Neumann, E. Pop, E. Yalon, and S. Kvatinsky, "Stateful Logic using Phase Change Memory", IEEE Journal of Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits Transactions on Electronic Devices, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 77-83, December 2022. Paper for Stateful Logic using Phase Change Memory
Yang Li, Wei Wang, Di Zhang, Maria Baskin, Aiping Chen, Shahar Kvatinsky, Eilam Yalon, and Lior Kornblum, "Scalable Al2O3-TiO2 Conductive Oxide Interfaces as Defect Reservoirs for Resistive Switching Devices", Advanced Electronic Material, November 2022. Paper for Scalable Al2O3-TiO2 Conductive Oxide Interfaces as Defect Reservoirs for Resistive Switching Devices
Z. Chen, G. Zhang, H. Cai, C. Bengel, F. Liu, X. Zhao, S. Kvatinsky, H. Schmidt, R. Waser, S. Menzel, and N. Du, "Study on Sneak Path Effect in the Self-rectifying Crossbar Arrays based on Emerging Memristive Devices", Frontiers in Electronic Materials, October 2022, (in press). Paper for Study on Sneak Path Effect in the Self-rectifying Crossbar Arrays based on Emerging Memristive Devices
I. Salameh, E. G. Friedman, and S. Kvatinsky, "Superconducting Logic Using 2Φ Josephson Junctions with Half Flux Quantum Pulses", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 2533-2537, May 2022. Paper for Superconducting Logic Using 2Φ Josephson Junctions with Half Flux Quantum PulsesAbstract for Superconducting Logic Using 2Φ Josephson Junctions with Half Flux Quantum Pulses
W. Wang, B. Hoffer, T. Greenberg-Toledo, Y. Li, E. Herbelin, R. Ronen, X. Xu, Y. Zhao, J. Yang, and S. Kvatinsky, "Efficient Training of the Memristive Deep Belief Net Immune to Non-Idealities of the Synaptic Devices", Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 22100249, May 2022. Paper for Efficient Training of the Memristive Deep Belief Net Immune to Non-Idealities of the Synaptic DevicesAbstract for Efficient Training of the Memristive Deep Belief Net Immune to Non-Idealities of the Synaptic Devices
M. M. Dahan, E. T. Breyer, S. Slesazeck, T. Mikolajick, and S. Kvatinsky, "C-AND: Mixed Writing Scheme for Disturb Reduction in 1T Ferroelectric FET Memory", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 1595-1605, April 2022. Paper for C-AND: Mixed Writing Scheme for Disturb Reduction in 1T Ferroelectric FET Memory
W. Wang, L. Danial, E. Herbelin, B. Hoffer, B. Oved, T. Greenberg-Toledo, E. Pikhay, Y. Roizin, and S. Kvatinsky, "Physical-Based Compact Model of Y-Flash Memristor for Neuromorphic Computation", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 119, No. 26, December 2021. Paper for Physical-Based Compact Model of Y-Flash Memristor for Neuromorphic Computation
Y. Li, S. Kvatinsky, and L. Kornblum, "Harnessing Conductive Oxide Interfaces for Resistive Random-Access Memories", Frontiers in Physics, (in press). Paper for Harnessing Conductive Oxide Interfaces for Resistive Random-Access MemoriesSupplementary for Harnessing Conductive Oxide Interfaces for Resistive Random-Access Memories
O. Leitersdorf, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "MultPIM: Fast Stateful Multiplication for Processing-in-Memory", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 1647-1651, March 2022. Paper for MultPIM: Fast Stateful Multiplication for Processing-in-Memory
T. Greenberg-Toledo, B. Perach, I. Hubara, D. Soudry, S. Kvatinsky, "Training of Quantized Deep Neural Networks using a Magnetic Tunnel Junction-Based Synapse", Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 11, October 2021. Paper for Training of Quantized Deep Neural Networks using a Magnetic Tunnel Junction-Based Synapse
M. Zou, J. Zhou, J. Sun, C. Ji, C. Wang, and S. Kvatinsky, "Improving Efficiency and Lifetime of Logic-in-Memory by Combining IMPLY and MAGIC Families", Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 119, October 2021. Paper for Improving Efficiency and Lifetime of Logic-in-Memory by Combining IMPLY and MAGIC Families
K. Stern, N. Wainstein, Y. Keller, C. M. Neumann, E. Pop, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yalon, "Sub-Nanosecond Pulses Enable Partial Reset for Analog Phase Change Memory", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1291-1294, September 2021. Paper for Sub-Nanosecond Pulses Enable Partial Reset for Analog Phase Change Memory
R. Ronen, A. Eliahu, O. Leitersdorf, N. Peled, K. Korgaonkar, A. Chattopadhyay, B. Perach, and S. Kvatinsky, "The Bitlet Model: A Parameterized Analytical Model to Compare PIM and CPU Systems", ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 18, No. 2, Article No. 43, pp. 1-29, April 2022. Paper for The Bitlet Model: A Parameterized Analytical Model to Compare PIM and CPU Systems
N. Wainstein, G. Ankonina, T. Swoboda, M. Muñoz Rojo, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yalon, "Indirectly Heated Switch as a Platform for Nanosecond Probing of Phase Transition Properties in Chalcogenides", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 1298-1303, March 2021. Paper for Indirectly Heated Switch as a Platform for Nanosecond Probing of Phase Transition Properties in Chalcogenides
D. Biolek, Z. Kolka, V. Biolkova, Z. Biolek, and S. Kvatinsky, "(V)TEAM for SPICE Simulation of Memristive Devices with Improved Numerical Performance", IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 30242-30255, February 2021. Paper for (V)TEAM for SPICE Simulation of Memristive Devices with Improved Numerical Performance
N. Wainstein, E. Yalon, G. Adam, and S. Kvatinsky, "Radiofrequency Switches Based on Emerging Resistive Memory Technologies - A Survey", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 109, No. 1, pp. 77-95, January 2021. Paper for Radiofrequency Switches Based on Emerging Resistive Memory Technologies - A Survey
N. Wainstein ,G. Ankonina, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yalon, "Compact Modeling and Electro-Thermal Measurements of Indirectly-Heated Phase Change RF Switches", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 67, Issue 11, pp. 5182-5187, November 2020. Paper for Compact Modeling and Electro-Thermal Measurements of Indirectly-Heated Phase Change RF Switches
B. Hoffer, V. Rana, S. Menzel R. Waser, and S. Kvatinsky, "Experimental Demonstration of Memristor-Aided Logic (MAGIC) Using Valence Change Memory (VCM)", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 67, pp. 3115-3122, August 2020. Paper for Experimental Demonstration of Memristor-Aided Logic (MAGIC) Using Valence Change Memory (VCM)
D. Miron, D. Cohen Azarzar, B. Hoffer, M. Baskin, S. Kvatinsky, E. Yalon and L. Kornblum, "Oxide 2D Electron Gases as a Reservoir of Defects for Resistive Switching", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.116, Issue 22, June 2020 Paper for Oxide 2D Electron Gases as a Reservoir of Defects for Resistive Switching
H. Abo Hanna, L. Danial, S. Kvatinsky, and R. Daniel, "Cytomorphic Electronics with Memristors for Modeling Fundamental Genetic Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol. 14, pp. 386-401, June 2020. Paper for Cytomorphic Electronics with Memristors for Modeling Fundamental Genetic Circuits
A. Eliahu, R. Ronen, P. E. Gaillardon, and S. Kvatinsky, "multiPULPly: A Multiplication Engine for Accelerating Neural Networks on Ultra-Low-Power Architectures", ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 1, January 2020. Paper for multiPULPly: A Multiplication Engine for Accelerating Neural Networks on Ultra-Low-Power ArchitecturesVideo for multiPULPly: A Multiplication Engine for Accelerating Neural Networks on Ultra-Low-Power ArchitecturesSupplementary for multiPULPly: A Multiplication Engine for Accelerating Neural Networks on Ultra-Low-Power Architectures
L. Danial, E. Pikhay, E. Herbelin, N. Wainstein, V. Gupta, N. Wald, Y. Roizin, R. Daniel, and S. Kvatinsky, "Two-terminal floating-gate transistors with a low-power memristive operation mode for analogue neuromorphic computing", Nature Electronics, Vol. 2, pp. 596-605, December 2019.
Jacobs Best Paper Award
Paper for Two-terminal floating-gate transistors with a low-power memristive operation mode for analogue neuromorphic computing
R. Ben-Hur, R. Ronen, A. Haj-Ali, D. Bhattacharjee, A. Eliahu, N. Peled, and S. Kvatinsky, "SIMPLER MAGIC: Synthesis and Mapping of In-Memory Logic Executed in a Single Row to Improve Throughput", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 2434-2447, October 2020. Paper for SIMPLER MAGIC: Synthesis and Mapping of In-Memory Logic Executed in a Single Row to Improve Throughput
B. Perach and S. Kvatinsky, "An Asynchronous and Low-Power True Random Number Generator using STT-MTJ", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 2473-2484, November 2019. Paper for An Asynchronous and Low-Power True Random Number Generator using STT-MTJ
M. Ramadan, N. Wainstein, R. Ginosar, S. Kvatinsky, "Adaptive Programming in Multi-Level Cell ReRAM", Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 90, pp. 169-180, August 2019. Paper for Adaptive Programming in Multi-Level Cell ReRAM
N. Wald and S. Kvatinsky, "Understanding the influence of device, circuit and environmental variations on real processing in memristive memory using Memristor Aided Logic", Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 86, pp. 22-33, April 2019 Paper for Understanding the influence of device, circuit and environmental variations on real processing in memristive memory using Memristor Aided Logic
T. Greenberg, R. Mazor, A. Haj-Ali, and S. Kvatinsky, "Supporting the Momentum Training Algorithm Using a Memristor-Based Synapse", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 1571-1583, April 2019. Paper for Supporting the Momentum Training Algorithm Using a Memristor-Based Synapse
E. Giacomin, T. Greenberg, S. Kvatinsky, and P.-E. Gaillardon, "A Robust Digital RRAM-based Convolutional Block for Low-Power Image Processing and Learning Applications", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 643-654, February 2019. Paper for A Robust Digital RRAM-based Convolutional Block for Low-Power Image Processing and Learning Applications
N. Talati, H. Ha, B. Perach, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "CONCEPT: A Column Oriented Memory Controller for Efficient Memory and PIM Operations in RRAM", IEEE Micro, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 33-43, January/February 2019. Paper for CONCEPT: A Column Oriented Memory Controller for Efficient Memory and PIM Operations in RRAM
A. Haj-Ali, R. Ben-Hur, N. Wald, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "IMAGING-In-Memory AlGorithms for Image processiNG", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 65, No 12, pp. 4258-4271, December 2018. Paper for IMAGING-In-Memory AlGorithms for Image processiNG
L. Danial, N. Wainstein, S. Kraus, and S. Kvatinsky, "Breaking Through the Speed-Power-Accuracy Tradeoff in ADCs using a Memristive Neuromorphic Architecture", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 2, No.5, pp. 396-409, October 2018. Paper for Breaking Through the Speed-Power-Accuracy Tradeoff in ADCs using a Memristive Neuromorphic Architecture
A. Haj Ali, R. Ben Hur, N. Wald, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "Not in Name Alone: A Memristive Memory Processing Unit for Real In-Memory Processing", IEEE Micro, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 13-21, September/October 2018. Paper for Not in Name Alone: A Memristive Memory Processing Unit for Real In-Memory Processing
N. Wainstein and S. Kvatinsky, "A Lumped RF Model for Nanoscale Memristive Devices and Non-Volatile Single-Pole Double-Throw Switches", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 873-883, September 2018. Paper for A Lumped RF Model for Nanoscale Memristive Devices and Non-Volatile Single-Pole Double-Throw Switches
N. Wainstein and S. Kvatinsky, "TIME – Tunable Inductors using MEmristors", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 1505-1515, May 2018. Paper for TIME – Tunable Inductors using MEmristors
L. Danial, N. Wainstein, S. Kraus, and S. Kvatinsky, "DIDACTIC: A Data-Intelligent Digital-to-Analog Converter with a Trainable Integrated Circuit using Memristors", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 146-158, March 2018. Paper for DIDACTIC: A Data-Intelligent Digital-to-Analog Converter with a Trainable Integrated Circuit using Memristors
A. Doz, I. Goldstein, and S. Kvatinsky, "Analysis of the Row Grounding Method in a Memristor-Based Crossbar Array", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 122-137, January 2018 Paper for Analysis of the Row Grounding Method in a Memristor-Based Crossbar Array
A. Pedram, S. Richardson, S. Galal, S. Kvatinsky and M. Horowitz, "Dark Memory and Accelerator-Rich System Optimization in the Dark Silicon Era", IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 39-50, April 2017 Paper for Dark Memory and Accelerator-Rich System Optimization in the Dark Silicon Era
Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yaakobi, "Information-Theoretic Sneak Path Mitigation in Memristor Crossbar Arrays", IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, Vol. 62, No. 9, pp. 4801-4814, September 2016. Paper for Information-Theoretic Sneak Path Mitigation in Memristor Crossbar Arrays
N. Talati, S. Gupta, P. Mane, and S. Kvatinsky, "Logic Design within Memristive Memories Using Memristor Aided loGIC (MAGIC)", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 635-650, July 2016 Paper for Logic Design within Memristive Memories Using Memristor Aided loGIC (MAGIC)
A. Morad, L. Yavits, S. Kvatinsky, and R. Ginosar, "Resistive GP-SIMD Processing In-Memory", ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, Article 57, January 2016 Paper for Resistive GP-SIMD Processing In-Memory
L. Yavits, S. Kvatinsky, A. Morad, and R. Ginosar, "Resistive Associative Processor", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Vol. 14, No. 2, July-December 2015
Best of CAL winner 2015
Paper for Resistive Associative Processor
D. Soudry, D. Di Castro, A. Gal, A. Kolodny, and S. Kvatinsky, "Memristor-based Multilayer Neural Networks with Online Gradient Descent Training", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems , Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 2408-2421, October 2015 Paper for Memristor-based Multilayer Neural Networks with Online Gradient Descent TrainingSupplementary for Memristor-based Multilayer Neural Networks with Online Gradient Descent Training
R. Patel, S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman, and A. Kolodny, "Multistate Register Based on Resistive RAM", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1750-1759, September 2015 Paper for Multistate Register Based on Resistive RAM
S. Kvatinsky, M. Ramadan, E. G. Friedman, and A. Kolodny, "VTEAM – A General Model for Voltage Controlled Memristor", Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 62, No. 8, pp. 786-790, August 2015 Paper for VTEAM – A General Model for Voltage Controlled Memristor
Y. Levy, J. Bruk, Y. Cassuto, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, E. Yaacobi, and S. Kvatinsky, "Logic Operation in Memory Using a Memristive Akers Array", Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 1429-1437, November 2014 Paper for Logic Operation in Memory Using a Memristive Akers Array
S. Kvatinsky, D. Belousov, S. Liman, G. Satat, N. Wald, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "MAGIC – Memristor Aided LoGIC", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 61, No. 11, pp. 895- 899, November 2014. Paper for MAGIC – Memristor Aided LoGIC
S. Kvatinsky, N. Wald, G. Satat, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Memristor-based Material Implication (IMPLY) Logic: Design Principles and Methodologies", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 2054-2066, October 2014 Paper for Memristor-based Material Implication (IMPLY) Logic: Design Principles and Methodologies
S. Kvatinsky, Y. H. Nacson, Y. Etsion, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Memristor-based Multithreading", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 41-44, January-June 2014 Paper for Memristor-based Multithreading
S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "The Desired Memristor for Circuit Designers", IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, second quarter, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 17-22, second quarter 2013 Paper for The Desired Memristor for Circuit Designers
S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "TEAM - ThrEshold Adaptive Memristor Model", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 211-221, January 2013
2015 Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award
Paper for TEAM - ThrEshold Adaptive Memristor Model


O. Leitersdorf, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "PyPIM: Integrating Digital Processing-in-Memory from Microarchitectural Design to Python Tensors", Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, November 2024. Paper for PyPIM: Integrating Digital Processing-in-Memory from Microarchitectural Design to Python Tensors
T. Patni, R. Daniels, and S. Kvatinsky, "V-VTEAM: A Compact Behavioral Model for Volatile Memristors", Proceedings of the IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference, September 2024. Paper for V-VTEAM: A Compact Behavioral Model for Volatile Memristors
T. Neuner and S. Kvatinsky, "Realization of Memristor Ratioed Logic with HfO2-Based Resistive RAM", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, November 2024. Paper for Realization of Memristor Ratioed Logic with HfO2-Based Resistive RAM
A. Tyagi and S. Kvatinsky, "Assessing the Performance of Stateful Logic in 1-Selector 1-RRAM Crossbar Arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2024. Paper for Assessing the Performance of Stateful Logic in 1-Selector 1-RRAM Crossbar ArraysAbstract for Assessing the Performance of Stateful Logic in 1-Selector 1-RRAM Crossbar Arrays
J. Li, Y. Cui, C. Wang, W. Liu, and S. Kvatinsky, "A Concealable RRAM Phtsically Unclonable Function Compatible with In-Memory Computing", Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Testing in Europe, March 2024. Paper for A Concealable RRAM Phtsically Unclonable Function Compatible with In-Memory Computing
N. Aflalo, E. Yalon, and S. Kvatinsky, "Bitwise Logic using Phase Change Memory Devices Based on the Pinatubo Architecture", International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2024. Paper for Bitwise Logic using Phase Change Memory Devices Based on the Pinatubo Architecture
A. Gero, M. A. Hadish, and S. Kvatinsky, "Abstract Thinking of Beginning Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Students", International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Springer Nature, February 2024. Paper for Abstract Thinking of Beginning Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Students
B. Perach, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "Enabling Relational Database Analytical Processing in Bulk-Bitwise Processing-In-Memory", IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), September 2023. Paper for Enabling Relational Database Analytical Processing in Bulk-Bitwise Processing-In-Memory
B. Perach, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "Accelerating Relational Database Analytical Processing with Bulk-Bitwise Processing-in-Memory", Proceedings of IEEE interregional NEWCAS Conference, June 2023 (in press). Paper for Accelerating Relational Database Analytical Processing with Bulk-Bitwise Processing-in-Memory
B. Perach, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "On Consistency for Bulk-Bitwise Processing-in-Memory", Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, February 2023 (in press). Paper for On Consistency for Bulk-Bitwise Processing-in-Memory
A. Gero, M. A. Hadish, and S. Kvatinsky, "Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes Toward an Engineering Course that Integrates Several Levels of Abstraction", Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 51st International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, pp. 491-497, September 2022. Paper for Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes Toward an Engineering Course that Integrates Several Levels of Abstraction
M.Zou, J.Zhou, X.Cui, W.Wang, and S.Kvatinsky, "Enhancing Security of Memristor Computing System Through Secure Weight Mapping", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), July 2022 (in press). Paper for Enhancing Security of Memristor Computing System Through Secure Weight Mapping
B. Hoffer and S. Kvatinsky, "Performing Stateful Logic Using Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) MRAM", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), July 2022 (in press). Paper for Performing Stateful Logic Using Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) MRAMAbstract for Performing Stateful Logic Using Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) MRAM
B. Oved, O. Leitersdorf, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "HashPIM: High-Throughput SHA-3 via Memristive Digital Processing-in-Memory", Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, June 2022 (in press). Paper for HashPIM: High-Throughput SHA-3 via Memristive Digital Processing-in-MemoryAbstract for HashPIM: High-Throughput SHA-3 via Memristive Digital Processing-in-Memory
O. Leitersdorf, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "MatPIM: Accelerating Matrix Operations with Memristive Stateful Logic", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2022 (in press). Paper for MatPIM: Accelerating Matrix Operations with Memristive Stateful LogicAbstract for MatPIM: Accelerating Matrix Operations with Memristive Stateful Logic
O. Leitersdorf, B. Perach, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky , "Efficient Error-Correcting-Code Mechanism for High-Throughput Memristive Processing-in-Memory", Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, December 2021. Paper for Efficient Error-Correcting-Code Mechanism for High-Throughput Memristive Processing-in-Memory
M. Khalifa, R. Ben-Hur, R. Ronen, O. Leitersdorf, L. Yavits, and S. Kvatinsky, "FiltPIM: In-Memory Filter for DNA Sequencing", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), pp. 1-6, November 2021. Paper for FiltPIM: In-Memory Filter for DNA Sequencing
O. Leitersdorf, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "Making Memristive Processing-in-Memory Reliable", 28th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), November 2021. Paper for Making Memristive Processing-in-Memory Reliable
S. Kvatinsky, "Making Real Memristive Processing-in-Memory Faster and Reliable", Proceedings of the International Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, pp. 1-3, October 2021. Paper for Making Real Memristive Processing-in-Memory Faster and Reliable
D. Bhattacharjee, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Dutta, R. Ronen, and S. Kvatinsky, "CONTRA: Area-Constrained Technology Mapping Framework for Memristive Memory Processing Unit", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design, November 2020 (in press) Paper for CONTRA: Area-Constrained Technology Mapping Framework for Memristive Memory Processing Unit
N. Peled, R. Ben-Hur, R. Ronen and S. Kvatinsky, "X-MAGIC: Enhancing PIM with Input Overwriting Capabilities", Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SoC, pp. 64-69, October 2020 (in press) Paper for X-MAGIC: Enhancing PIM with Input Overwriting Capabilities
A. Eliahu, R. Ben-Hur, R. Ronen and S. Kvatinsky, "abstractPIM: Bridging the Gap Between Processing-in-Memory Technology and Instruction Set Architecture", Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SoC, pp. 28-33, October 2020 (in press) Paper for abstractPIM: Bridging the Gap Between Processing-in-Memory Technology and Instruction Set Architecture
L. Danial, K. Sharma, and S. Kvatinsky, "A Pipelined Memristive Neural Network Analog-to-Digital Converter", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), October 2020 (in press). Paper for A Pipelined Memristive Neural Network Analog-to-Digital Converter
Loai Danial and Shahar Kvatinsky, "Breaking the Conversion Wall in Mixed-Signal Systems Using Neuromorphic Data Converters", 24th IEEE European Conference on Circuits, Theory and Design, September 2020 Paper for Breaking the Conversion Wall in Mixed-Signal Systems Using Neuromorphic Data Converters
N. Wainstein, G. Ankonina, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yalon, "Nanosecond Probing of Phase Transition Properties in Chalcogenides using Embedded Heater-Thermometer", Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, April 2020
L. Danial, V. Gupta, E. Pikhay, Y. Roizin, and S. Kvatinsky, "Modeling a Floating-Gate Memristive Device for Computer Aided Design of Neuromorphic Computing", Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Testing in Europe, March 2020 Paper for Modeling a Floating-Gate Memristive Device for Computer Aided Design of Neuromorphic ComputingVideo for Modeling a Floating-Gate Memristive Device for Computer Aided Design of Neuromorphic Computing
B. Hoffer, J. Louis and S. Kvatinsky, "Performing Memristor-Aided Logic (MAGIC) using STT-MRAM", ICECS 2019 Paper for Performing Memristor-Aided Logic (MAGIC) using STT-MRAM
L. Daniel, K. Sharma, S. Dwivedi, and S. Kvatinsky , "Logarithmic Neural Network Data Converters Using Memristors for Biomedical Applications", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS), pp. 1-4, October 2019 Paper for Logarithmic Neural Network Data Converters Using Memristors for Biomedical Applications
J. Vieira, E. Giacomin, Y. Qureshi, M. Zapater, X. Tang, S. Kvatinsky, D. Atienza, and P.-E. Gaillardon, "A Product Engine for Energy-Efficient Execution of Binary Neural Networks Using Resistive Memories", Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), October 2019 (in press). Paper for A Product Engine for Energy-Efficient Execution of Binary Neural Networks Using Resistive Memories
S. Kvatinsky, "Real Processing-in-Memory with Memristive Memory Processing Unit (mMPU)", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, July 2019 (in press). Paper for Real Processing-in-Memory with Memristive Memory Processing Unit (mMPU)
M. Ottavi, V. Gupta, S. Khandelwal, S. Kvatinsky, J. Mathew, E. Martinelli, and A. Jabir, "The Missing Applications Found: Robust Design Techniques and Novel Uses of Memristors", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, July 2019 (in press). Paper for The Missing Applications Found: Robust Design Techniques and Novel Uses of Memristors
N. Wainstein, T. Tsabari, Y. Goldin, E. Yalon and S. Kvatinsky, "A Dual-Band CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier using Memristor-Based Tunable Inductors", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), pp. 290-295, July 2019 Paper for A Dual-Band CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier using Memristor-Based Tunable InductorsAbstract for A Dual-Band CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier using Memristor-Based Tunable Inductors
L. Danial, S. Thomas, and S. Kvatinsky, "Delta-Sigma Modulation Neurons for High-Precision Training of Memristive Synapses in Deep Neural Networks", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Architectures, pp. 1-5, May 2019 Paper for Delta-Sigma Modulation Neurons for High-Precision Training of Memristive Synapses in Deep Neural Networks
B. Perach and S. Kvatinsky, "STT-ANGIE: Asynchronous True Random Number GEnerator Using STT-MTJ", Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 264-267, March 2019 Paper for STT-ANGIE: Asynchronous True Random Number GEnerator Using STT-MTJ
H. Abo-Hanna, L. Danial, S. Kvatinsky , and R. Daniel, "Memristors as Artificial Biochemical Reactions in Cytomorphic Systems", ICSEEI2018 Paper for Memristors as Artificial Biochemical Reactions in Cytomorphic Systems
L. Danial and S. Kvatinsky, "Real-Time Trainable Data Converters for General Purpose Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures, July 2018 (in press). Paper for Real-Time Trainable Data Converters for General Purpose Applications
G. C. Adam, R. Badulescu, S. Iordanescu, N. Wainstein, and S. Kvatinsky, "A TiO2 – Based Radio Frequency Resistive Switch", Proceedings of the International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, June 2018
A. Haj-Ali, R. Ben-Hur, N. Wald, and S. Kvatinsky, "Efficient Algorithms for In-Memory Fixed Point Multiplication Using MAGIC", Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), June 2018 (in press). Paper for Efficient Algorithms for In-Memory Fixed Point Multiplication Using MAGIC
N. Talati, A. Haj Ali, R. Ben Hur, N. Wald, R. Ronen, P.E. Gaillardon, and S. Kvatinsky, "Practical Challenges in Delivering the Promises of Real Processing-in-Memory Machines", Proceedings of the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2018 (in press). Paper for Practical Challenges in Delivering the Promises of Real Processing-in-Memory Machines
R. Ben Hur, N. Wald, N. Talati, and S. Kvatinsky, "SIMPLE MAGIC: Synthesis and Mapping of Boolean Functions for Memristor Aided Logic (MAGIC)", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design, pp. 225-232, November 2017.
KLA-Tencor Excellent Conference Paper Award.
Paper for SIMPLE MAGIC: Synthesis and Mapping of Boolean Functions for Memristor Aided Logic (MAGIC)
H. Abo Hanna, L. Danial, S. Kvatinsky, and R. Daniel, "Modeling Biochemical Reactions and Gene Networks with Memristors", Proceeding of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Circuits and Systems, October 2017 Paper for Modeling Biochemical Reactions and Gene Networks with Memristors
J. Reuben, R. Ben-Hur, N. Wald, N. Talati, A. Haj Ali, P. Emmanuel Gaillardon, and S. Kvatinsky, "Memristive Logic: A Framework for Evaluation and Comparison", Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, September 2017 (in press). Paper for Memristive Logic: A Framework for Evaluation and Comparison
N. Wainstein and S. Kvatinsky, "An RF Memristor Model and Memristive Single-Pole Double-Throw Switches", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems, May 2017 (in press). Paper for An RF Memristor Model and Memristive Single-Pole Double-Throw Switches
N. Talati, Z. Wang, and S. Kvatinsky, "Rate-Compatible and High-Throughput Architecture Designs for Encoding LDPC Codes", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems, May 2017 (in press). Paper for Rate-Compatible and High-Throughput Architecture Designs for Encoding LDPC Codes
L. Azriel and S. Kvatinsky, "Towards a Memristive Hardware Secure Hash Function (MemHash)", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), May 2017 (in press). Paper for Towards a Memristive Hardware Secure Hash Function (MemHash)
S. Kvatinsky, R. Ben-Hur, N. Talati, and N. Wald, "mMPU: Memristive Memory Processing Unit", International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems, April 2017
S. Hamdioui, S. Kvatinsky, G. Cauwenberghs, L. Xie, K. Bertels, N. Wald, S. Joshi, H. M. Elsayed, and H. Corporaal, "Memristor For Computing: Myth or Reality?", Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Testing in Europe, pp. 722-731, March 2017 Paper for Memristor For Computing: Myth or Reality?
N. Wald and S. Kvatinsky, "Design Methodology for Stateful Memristive Logic Gates", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Science of Electrical Engineering, November 2016 (in press). Paper for Design Methodology for Stateful Memristive Logic Gates
R. Ben-Hur and S. Kvatinsky, "Memristive Memory Processing Unit (MPU) Controller for In-Memory Processing", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Science of Electrical Engineering, November 2016 (in press). Paper for Memristive Memory Processing Unit (MPU) Controller for In-Memory Processing
H. Ha, A. Pedram, S. Richardson, S. Kvatinsky, and M. Horowitz, "Improving Energy Efficiency of DRAM by Exploiting Half Page Row Access", Proceedings of the Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pp. 1-12, October 2016 Paper for Improving Energy Efficiency of DRAM by Exploiting Half Page Row Access
A. Vasilyev, N. Bhagdikar, S. Richardson, A. Pedram, S. Kvatinsky, and M. Horowitz, "Evaluating Programmable Architectures for Image and Vision Applications", Proceedings of the Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pp. 1-13, October 2016 Paper for Evaluating Programmable Architectures for Image and Vision Applications
E. Amrany, A. Drory, and S. Kvatinsky, "Logic Design with Unipolar Memristors", Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), September 2016 (in press)
Selected for postconference book (top 10 papers).
Paper for Logic Design with Unipolar Memristors
R. Ben-Hur, N. Talati, and S. Kvatinsky, "Algorithmic Considerations in Memristive Memory Processing Units (MPU)", Proceedings of the International Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, August 2016 (in press) Paper for Algorithmic Considerations in Memristive Memory Processing Units (MPU)
R. Ben-Hur and S. Kvatinsky, "Memory Processing Unit for In-Memory Processing", Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures, July 2016 (in press) Paper for Memory Processing Unit for In-Memory Processing
Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yaakobi, "Write Sneak-Path Constraints Avoiding Disturbs in Memristor Crossbar Arrays", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 950-954, July 2016. Paper for Write Sneak-Path Constraints Avoiding Disturbs in Memristor Crossbar Arrays
E. Rosenthal, S. Greshnikov, D. Soudry, and S. Kvatinsky, "A Fully Analog Memristor-Based Multilayer Neural Network with Online Backpropagation Training", Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1394-1397, May 2016 Paper for A Fully Analog Memristor-Based Multilayer Neural Network with Online Backpropagation Training
M. Ramadan, S. Kvatinsky, and R. Ginosar, "Memristor Modeling", Proceedings of the Workshop on Memristor Technology, Design, Automation and Computing, January 2016
L. Danial and S. Kvatinsky, "Memristive Artificial Neural Networks Based Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)", Proceedings of the Workshop on Memristor Technology, Design, Automation and Computing, January 2016
R. Ben-Hur and S. Kvatinsky, "Processing within a Memristive Memory", Proceedings of the Workshop on Memristor Technology, Design, Automation and Computing, January 2016
Z. Jiang, P. Huang, L. Zhao, S. Kvatinsky, S. Yu, X. Liu, J. Kang, Y. Nishi, and H.-S. P. Wong, "Analysis and Predication on Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) 1S1R Array", Proceedings of the 2015 International Memory Workshop, pp. 1-4, May 2015 Paper for Analysis and Predication on Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) 1S1R Array
S. Kvatinsky, Y. H. Nacson, R. Patel, Y. Etsion, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Memristive Multistate Pipeline Register", Proceedings of the International Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, pp. 1-2, July 2014 Paper for Memristive Multistate Pipeline Register
Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yaakobi, "On the Channel Induced by Sneak-Path Errors in Memristor Arrays", Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, pp. 1-6, July 2014 Paper for On the Channel Induced by Sneak-Path Errors in Memristor Arrays
S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Memory Intensive Computing", Proceeding of the Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop, March 2014 Paper for Memory Intensive Computing
Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yaakobi, "Sneak-Path Constraints in Memristor Crossbar Arrays", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 156-160, July 2013 Paper for Sneak-Path Constraints in Memristor Crossbar Arrays
Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, and E. Yaakobi, "Sneak-Path Constraints in Memristor Crossbar Arrays", Proceeding of the Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop, March 2013 Paper for Sneak-Path Constraints in Memristor Crossbar Arrays
S. Kvatinsky, K. Talisveyberg. D. Fliter, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Models of Memristors for SPICE Simulations", Proceedings of the IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 1-5, November 2012 Paper for Models of Memristors for SPICE Simulations
S. Kvatinsky, N. Wald, G. Satat, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "MRL - Memristor Ratioed Logic", Proceedings of the International Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, pp. 1-6, August 2012 Paper for MRL - Memristor Ratioed LogicPresentation for MRL - Memristor Ratioed Logic
S. Kvatinsky, E.G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U.C. Weiser, "Memristor-based IMPLY Logic Design Flow", Proceedings of the IEEE 29th International Conference on Computer Design, pp.142-147, October 2011 Paper for Memristor-based IMPLY Logic Design FlowPresentation for Memristor-based IMPLY Logic Design Flow
S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman , A. Kolodny, and L. Schächter, "Power Grid Analysis Based on a Macro Circuits Model", Proceedings of the IEEE 26th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 708-712, November 2010 Paper for Power Grid Analysis Based on a Macro Circuits ModelPresentation for Power Grid Analysis Based on a Macro Circuits Model

Technical Reports

T. Greenberg-Toledo, B. Perach, D. Soudry, and S. Kvatinsky, "MTJ-Based Hardware Synapse Design for Ternary Deep Neural Networks", ArXiv:1912.12636, December 2019. Paper for MTJ-Based Hardware Synapse Design for Ternary Deep Neural Networks
K. Korgaonkar, R. Ronen, A. Chattopadhyay, and S. Kvatinsky, "The Bitlet Model Defining a Litmus Test for the Bitwise Processing-in-Memory Paradigm", ArXiv:1910.10234, October 2019. Paper for The Bitlet Model Defining a Litmus Test for the Bitwise Processing-in-Memory Paradigm
R. Ben Hur, N. Wald, N. Talati, and S. Kvatinsky, "Latency Optimized Mapping of Logic Functions for Memristor Aided Logic (MAGIC)", CCIT Technical Report #908, December 2016 Paper for Latency Optimized Mapping of Logic Functions for Memristor Aided Logic (MAGIC)
X. Yang, J. Pu, B. B. Rister, N. Bhagdikar, J. Ragan-Kelley, S. Richardson, S. Kvatinsky, A. Pedram, and M. Horowitz, "A Systematic Approach to Blocking Convolutional Neural Networks", ArXiv:1606.04209, June 2016 Paper for A Systematic Approach to Blocking Convolutional Neural Networks
S. Kvatinsky, M. Ramadan, E. G. Friedman, and A. Kolodny, "VTEAM - A General Model for Voltage Controlled Memristors", CCIT Technical Report #856, April 2014 Paper for VTEAM - A General Model for Voltage Controlled Memristors
D. Soudry, D. Di Castro, A. Gal, A. Kolodny, and S. Kvatinsky, "Hebbian Learning Rules with Memristors", CCIT Technical Report #840, September 2013 Paper for Hebbian Learning Rules with Memristors
S. Kvatinsky, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "TEAM - Threshold Adaptive Memristor Model", CCIT Technical Report #804, January 2012 Paper for TEAM - Threshold Adaptive Memristor Model
S. Kvatinsky, K. Talisveyberg, D. Fliter, E. G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser, "Verilog-A for Memristor Models", CCIT Technical Report #801, December 2011 Paper for Verilog-A for Memristor Models
S. Kvatinsky, E.G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, and U.C. Weiser, "Memristor-based IMPLY Logic Design Flow", CCIT Technical Report #795, August 2011 Paper for Memristor-based IMPLY Logic Design Flow


S. Kvatinsky, "Computers that Look Like the Brain", Frontiers for Young Minds, Vol. 8, December 2020. Paper for Computers that Look Like the Brain
R. Daniel and S. Kvatinsky, "Combining Biology and Electronics Using Emerging Memristive Technologies", Tower Jazz Technical Journal, Vol. 8, pp. 30-38, June 2017